
The rooms

Rorbua is perfect for families and groups of friends who want to stay together. There are two sections, each with its own entrance: Rorbua Nord and Rorbua Sør (north and south, respectively).

    Rorbua Nord

    • 3 double rooms
    • 1 bathroom
    • 1 living room

    Rorbua Sør

    • 4 double rooms
    • 2 bathrooms
    • 1 living room


    The rorbu was a cabin or simple building where fishermen slept and ate. Here they also prepared their fishing gear and baited hooks for their long-lines. Today, many of the fishermen’s cabins along the coast have been refurbished and upgraded. For many of our guests, especially families and groups of friends, it is their favourite accommodation. Ours has the authentic ambience and interiors that reflect the trading post’s heyday.