Sea Kayaking
Basic Course


Fotograf Kristin Nordhus Karlsson

16 hours (two days)

min. 4 participants

Norwegian & English

Your experience

You will have the opportunity to explore the magnificent archipelago of Støtt and its nature reserve, where you will find soaring sea eagles and other rich birdlife.

Our Introductory Course gives you the knowledge and skills that are necessary to rent a kayak throughout Norway, as well as most places internationally. Most importantly, of course, is that as a confident beginner you will be able to more safely enjoy the sport of kayaking.

Main objectives

This course familiarises you with the kayak and its equipment, including life vest and spray cover. Practical exercises teach important safety routines and fundamental kayak manoeuvring techniques. Under the instructor’s expert guidance and watchful eye, you will also master vital rescue and self-rescue methods.

After this course you will feel more confident and safe and make sounder choices as you launch your kayak and head out on new adventures. Our Basic Course deals in depth with safety, seamanship and planning your excursions. The course aims to inspire kayaking adventures and prepare you for more advanced courses.

Detailed objectives

In the list below, we have highlighted the additional things you learn on our Basic Course, that are not covered in our intro course.


  • Lifting, carrying, launching and entering your kayak
  • Efficient long-distance kayaking
  • Stopping and moving backwards
  • Moving your kayak sideways
  • Bracing (low grip)
  • Steering
  • Turning and swivelling
  • Disembarking
  • Securing your kayak after disembarking
  • Rescue and self-rescue techniques
  • Preventing injury and damage
  • Planning a simple excursion
  • General safety and basic seamanship for kayakers
  • The great outdoors, and Norway’s “Right to Roam”
  • Enjoying outdoor adventures – without leaving a trace

This includes

Kayaking course


Vi hadde en fantastisk tid på den vakre øya Støtt med kajakkpadling. Guiden vår Magnus, tok oss med rundt øya der vi kunne sitte og se på havørn som fløy rett over hodet på oss. Vi spiste lunsj på en holme og svømte i havet (over den arktiske sirkelen) på en nydelig solrik dag. Senere den kvelden tok Magnus og Kristin oss med på RIB-tur til Rødøyløva som gav oss en spektakulær utsikt. Tenåringsguttene elsket det - spesielt turen hjem i RIB da solen gikk ned og volumet på radioen gikk opp! Jeg kan ikke anbefale dette høyt nok - det var et eventyr for livet å få oppleve underverkene ved den NordNorske kystlinjen og overraskelsene gjorde det virkelig spesielt. Takk skal dere ha!

– Amy R.

Godt humør og mye Kunnskap!

Vi padlet kajakk over til Engenbreen for så å gå opp. Alt utstyr var inkludert. Hadde Dawid som guide, en fantastisk fyr med godt humør og mye kunnskap. Han tok oss så nærme breen som var forsvarlig. Helt fantastisk!

– Beate V.



  • STØTT – a magnificent archipelago
  • Fantastic outdoor adventures
  • Pristine scenery
  • Chalk-white sandy beaches
  • Thousands of unexplored islands
  • Skin diving

Practical information

You must bring

  • 2 sets of woollen or thermal underwear (leggings and tops)
  • 2 pairs of socks, towel, hat and warm gloves
  • Fleece or woollen sweater
  • Packed lunches and hot drinks

Practical information

Your mobile phone and other electronic equipment should be safely stowed in a waterproof bag.

If you already have a dry suit and your own equipment, please bring it. Also bring gloves and a waterproof hood.

On the very first day we’ll be out on the water kayaking – so you have a lot to look forward to! If you have an NPF Wet Card, be sure to bring it.

This two-day course lasts about 16 hours.


Price and cancellation

NOK 3200

Please read our cancellation policy.

Please note

Safety is paramount on all of our kayaking courses and excursions, and our instructors are highly qualified. This means that you can safely push your limits – as far as you want and dare.

For all of our excursions and activities, we require that participants have valid travel insurance. Before starting our voyage, we will review our health and safety routines.

We really look forward to great kayaking adventures with you!

For further details on what is covered in this course, please visit:

How we safeguard your health and safety

We strictly follow the guidelines set by the Norwegian health authorities.

Read more about safety measures against Covid-19